To Homeschool or not to Homeschool

As today's earlier post proves, I am susceptible to change. What you have seen in my blogs is actually how I work through thoughts. I love blogging, and I appreciate all of your input. You help make me better. I don't know if I will blog forever. If I had some humans to talk to daily about the things on my mind, I doubt I would exert the effort to blog here. Us bloggers seem to be a lonely crowd.

I guess I'm feeling sort of sentimental today. The change to the idea of possibly being a paid minister is like the carpet being pulled out from under me. So I'm going to distract myself with another topic. It kind of started all by itself in a post the other day. I didn't mention anything about it, yet it kind of grew on its own. Some of my posts seem to do that.

Maybe it's just the fact that I am in the midst of working a twelve hour shift and have an even longer one tomorrow. My helper is out of town attending a convention.

Today the inner workings of my mind again will be on exhibit again. Feel free to help guide me if you feel led.

I'm torn on whether we are going to homeschool our children when they are of age. Isaac is almost three, so the day of decision is coming on us much faster than we thought. It used to seem like I had forever to decide. Now, I just have around a year and a half. These are my thoughts on the matter.

Pros of homeschooling:

Many teachers, a role that children inevitably look up to, are immoral. I would prefer my children to not look up to people who aren't deserving of it.

My children would be more challenged intellectually.

I would have control in insuring that my children wouldn't fall into the wrong crowd.

I would be able to teach my children from the beginning to not fragment their life but to look at it holistically.

I want my children to value education for knowledge rather than to pass a test.

God would not be seperated from my children's education.

My children would be able to seek knowledge in areas that they are interested in along with learning the essentials.

We can, as parents, be the most influential people in our children's lives.

Cons of homeschooling:

It seems like it would be more difficult for my children to be a witness for Christ to the lost.

My children wouldn't be exposed to as many people who hold different opinions. I think it is important for my children to know how to relate to people with different world views.

My children would be destined to be radicals because I am a radical, but maybe it is already too late for that.

Many homeschooled children don't know how to interact with people different than them. I do think there are ways around this, but it won't be easy.

It seems to cost a lot of money.

Many homeschoolers seem to view themselves as superior because they are homeschooled and might have the tendency to be more self-centered.

I fear that I would be robbing my children of becoming productive and successful members of society.

I really value sports and learning to work as a team. Most community sports don't go past middle school.

They might not learn how to network with others, an ability that helps one achieve the goals he is called to in life.

I could probably go on and on. I'll stop now. One thing that struck me in writing this is that all of the negatives of homeschooling can be dealt with. We can do things to help prevent them from happening. I can be involved in a church that is out in the community and teach my children to love those that aren't like them. Many of the positives of homeschooling cannot be adapted to the public school environment. I cannot control how much of God is in my child's education.

I still haven't decided. I lean strongly toward homeschooling. Some days I waver. Lindsay has already decided she wants to homeschool, but I'm sure we could reconsider if we felt led. Decisions like this seem so important, yet many people seem to completely blow off considering the options.

Maybe tomorrow I'll talk about elements in the church that successful homeschooling depends on.