The Rut or the Horizon

Back to Mitch Daniels State of the State speech. One of his comments really hit me.

"We need to shake ourselves of the natural human tendency to mistake the edge of the rut for the horizon."


He was talking about political changes and producing an "honestly" balanced budget, but it struck me in a lot of ways. That speech came on the evening after I posted my frustrations with continuing to seek after the kingdom and all of the ideals it stands for. For some reason that quote reinvigorated me. I still have no idea on how to go about bringing the kingdom to reality outside of doing it on a personal level (something that really isn't seeking the kingdom because kingdom implies others), but I will continue seeking for ways to do it.

Ruts are discouraging. When you get out of them they sometimes give us a false sense of achievment. Sometimes our ruts are so deep that the horizon is not visible but just a concept in our heads. It is our job to bring a ladder into the ruts of life and help people climb it so that they can see the horizon.

Horizons are promising. They are grand and magnificent. Our ruts will be overcomed when the horizon is our focus.

Are we focused on a problem at our church or in our individual life or are we focused on the kingdom? The rut or the horizon.

"We need to shake ourselves of the natural human tendency to mistake the edge of the rut for the horizon."

Watch out for ruts and potholes.