Grey's Anatomy - Living out our crisis convictions in our normal life

I watch Grey's Anatomy for the first and last time yesterday. Not that I didn't like the show; it was enjoyable. However, it was the most depressing show I have ever watched. It's either never watch Grey's Anatomy again or go to my doctor and ask about the purple pill. It was depressing, and I really couldn't handle it. Not that I wept or anything. I just wanted to curl up in the corner of a room and hide. Isolation is the way I deal with depression.

Anyway, the show dealt with lots of things, but the part I wanted to talk about was the scene in which two of the doctors (I don't know names - it was the first time I watched the show) were quarantined in a room of the hospital due to exposure to the plague (a storyline that I didn't understand - so maybe the show was bad but it just survives on continually shocking and mortifying the audience).

During their time in quarantine, the younger doctor is freaking out about how he doesn't want to die and hasn't experienced life. The older doctor seems fine with dying and isn't panicking. The younger doctor says that it is because he has experienced life. The younger doctor claims that he has never even told a woman that he loves her. So the doctor encourages him to tell his girlfriend that when they get out.

When that moment happens, the younger doctor chickens out and doesn't tell the girl that he loves her. While the doctor tells his new woman that he loves her. Why does the doctor experience life "better"? It is because he lives out his convictions that he had during the time of crisis. The younger doctor was fine making the conviction during crisis yet then ignoring it when he came out into the real world, much like church camp conversions or church conference convictions.

Watch out for the potholes.